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Ban Soon Cheong Pte Ltd


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Benjamin Kuah

Jasmine Kuah

Kuah Beng Hui
CA (Singapore)

Alicia Kuah
B.Acc (Hons)

Adrian Ngoo
B.Mech.Eng (Hons 1)

Joe Lim


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Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel 304 & 304L   

Stainless Steel 304 is the most commonly used grade which has versatile applications. It is slightly magnetic in the drawn condition. It can be welded and is suitable for polishing and corrosive environment. It is used widely in a variety of domestic and commercial applications. Typical applications are for example, in tanks and containers for holding a large variety of liquids and solids, architectural paneling, railings & trim, chemical containers, heat exchangers, food processing equipment, domestic tool industry, etc.

Stainless Steel 304L has lower carbon than the standard 304 grade of stainless steel. It has a maximum of 0.03% carbon and it does not require post-weld annealing. It is extensively used in heavy gauge components over about 6mm.



Stainless Steel 316 & 316L

Stainless Steel 316 and 316L contain Mo that improves inter-granular corrosion. They are more resistant to general corrosion and pitting than conventional nickel chromium stainless steels such as 302-304. For e.g., stainless steel cylinders and tanks manufactured in 316 grade stainless steel, have proven to withstand exceptional resistance in acidic and hard water areas. Other areas of applications are chemical & pharmaceutical industry, surgical & medical tools, ozone generators, petroleum refining equipment, etc.

Stainless Steel 316L grade has 0.03% carbon maximum and are resistant to sensitization in short term exposures or heat treatments. Most standard 316 grade of stainless steel have a maximum of 0.08% carbon and are suitable for use in non-welded parts and equipment; in case of welded applications these parts are used for light gauge application.


Stainless Steel Supplier

Stainless Steel Shim Plates
Stainless Steel Round Bars
Stainless Steel Flat Bar
Stainless Steel Angle Bar
Stainless Steel Square Bar
Stainless Steel Hexagon Bar
Stainless Steel U Channel
Stainless Steel Ornamental Tube & Ornamental Pipe
Stainless Steel Schedule Pipe
Stainless Steel Sheet & Stainless Steel Plate
Stainless Steel Checkered Plate
Stainless Steel Perforated Sheet
Stainless Steel Strips & Stainless Steel Coils
Stainless Steel Dividing Strip
Stainless Steel Wire




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